Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Thanksgiving Post

Have you ever stopped and thought about the fact that in the United States many of our most sacred days have too much profanity.  For example, this past Memorial Day how many people do you think stopped and thought about those who feel in battle defending our nation?  On the Fourth of July, how often do we stop and really think about how lucky we are that we have a democratic society in which our voices do matter?  How often do we speak with our students and children about these issues?

I believe that it is essential that at specific times during the year we should stop and recognize our good fortune.  We should recognize that good fortune does not just happen.  Others have had to sacrifice.  We ourselves have to work hard to succeed.  We have been supported by others.  Everybody should be able to  feel fortunate in some way or another.  

I once heard the talk show host Dennis Prager say that he believed that the words "thank you" are the most important words in the English language.  He explained that when people feel a debt of gratitude for something or multiple things they are raising their own level of humanity.  I wonder if the purpose of holidays is to enable people to raise their level of humanity.  

On this particular Thanksgiving Day I want to raise my own level of humanity.  A Pass Educational Group, LLC, has had an amazing year.  We have tripled in size over last year. Our clients continuously ask us to do new work with them.  Our freelance associates tell us that we provide them with benefits with which no other company provides them.  People involved in our organization enjoy the warm and supportive interactions that they have with one another.  I have an incredible sense of pride for what we have accomplished.  I am definitely living a better material life than I was living three years ago.  

But, it's important to stop and recognize that I alone have not built A Pass Educational Group.  Yesterday, I sent thank you notes out to both our freelance associates and employees.  These are the people who have enabled A Pass to prosper.  But, I also think that I should thank our clients.  Our clients have continuously asked us to do more work with them.  They have placed their trust in us.  They have worked with us when things have not always gone well to ensure that things could improve.  

In reality, maybe the words "thank you" should force me to feel a little small.  I have been fortunate because of the many people who have worked around me.  I have been fortunate because of the good will that others have shown me.  I"m very lucky and hopefully I'm a little better off recognizing that I would be unjust if I did not stop and say "thank you."  

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